[WikiEducator] #ds4oer Open design strengths weaknesses
Gary Asselbergs
2015-04-19 08:10:21 UTC
#ds4oer Open design
Strength: 1. many hands makes light work, 2.collaboration stimulates
thinking out of the box and reduces myopic thinking.

Weakness: 1. Open design is like being in an ant colony, finding order in
the huge amounts of information being generated, filtering this information
is not the only problem. 2. there are also a huge amount of technical
skills and designer concepts which need to be mastered. #ds4oer
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2015-04-20 07:26:40 UTC
<font face="Default Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">Gary:&nbsp; I agree with all your points and would add that it is hard to add the "ant colony" designed work into an already organized Learning Management System structure which has previously developed, linear-based protocols.&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR><BR><FONT color=#990099>-----***@googlegroups.com wrote: -----</FONT>
<DIV class=iNotesHistory style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px">
<DIV style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: black 2px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px">To: ***@googlegroups.com<BR>From: Gary Asselbergs <***@GMAIL.COM><BR>Sent by: ***@googlegroups.com<BR>Date: 04/19/2015 04:10AM<BR>Subject: [WikiEducator] #ds4oer Open design strengths weaknesses<BR><BR>
<DIV dir=ltr>
<DIV>#ds4oer Open design</DIV>
<DIV>Strength: &nbsp;1. many hands makes light work, 2.collaboration stimulates thinking out of the box and reduces myopic thinking.</DIV>
<DIV>Weakness: 1. Open design is like being in an ant colony, finding order in the huge amounts of information being generated, filtering this information is not the only problem. 2. there are also a huge amount of technical skills and designer concepts which need to be mastered. &nbsp;#ds4oer</DIV></DIV>
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Viviane Vladimirschi
2015-04-21 13:18:26 UTC
Gary, I too agree with your points and I find there is little amount of
creativity one can add to this ant colony. The technical skills are a
little easier to master but the designer concepts are way harder. I wonder
if someone is trying to train teachers these skills, how one would go about
doing so. Any suggestions? #ds4oer
Post by Gary Asselbergs
#ds4oer Open design
Strength: 1. many hands makes light work, 2.collaboration stimulates
thinking out of the box and reduces myopic thinking.
Weakness: 1. Open design is like being in an ant colony, finding order in
the huge amounts of information being generated, filtering this information
is not the only problem. 2. there are also a huge amount of technical
skills and designer concepts which need to be mastered. #ds4oer
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2015-04-23 03:50:56 UTC
Hi Viviane,

Here is one set of open online courses for faculty development in online
teaching created by @colinmadland who is also registered in this course http://courses.olblogs.tru.ca/facdev/register/
<http://courses.olblogs.tru.ca/facdev/register/>By the way, I looked at
your storyboard & other course docs today. Very well organized! The padlet
tool has a very nice 'look & feel' - can you tell me anything about its
upside and downside?
Post by Viviane Vladimirschi
Gary, I too agree with your points and I find there is little amount of
creativity one can add to this ant colony. The technical skills are a
little easier to master but the designer concepts are way harder. I wonder
if someone is trying to train teachers these skills, how one would go about
doing so. Any suggestions? #ds4oer
Post by Gary Asselbergs
#ds4oer Open design
Strength: 1. many hands makes light work, 2.collaboration stimulates
thinking out of the box and reduces myopic thinking.
Weakness: 1. Open design is like being in an ant colony, finding order in
the huge amounts of information being generated, filtering this information
is not the only problem. 2. there are also a huge amount of technical
skills and designer concepts which need to be mastered. #ds4oer
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Viviane Vladimirschi
2015-04-24 02:38:42 UTC
Hi Donna,

Thanks for your kind comments! :) This course is affording me a great
opportunity to learn the digital skills required for training K-12 public
school teachers in Brazil to use and create OER, which is going to be my
doctoral dissertation (a Design-based research). I just recently concluded
my 2nd year of doctoral studies at Athabasca University and my area of
study is distance education. About the padlet tool, it's extremely easy to
use, intuitive and free. However, you have to register for it. The only
downside to the padlet tool is that I wasn't able to include a link or an
image of it in Wikieducator. I used my WordPress blog to do this. Padlet
allows you to share the storyboard as an image and then you can incorporate
it in your blog. This doesn't work for Wikieducator. Apparently there are
open content issues with the padlet tool.
Post by donnadebien
Hi Viviane,
Here is one set of open online courses for faculty development in online
<http://courses.olblogs.tru.ca/facdev/register/>By the way, I looked at
your storyboard & other course docs today. Very well organized! The padlet
tool has a very nice 'look & feel' - can you tell me anything about its
upside and downside?
Post by Viviane Vladimirschi
Gary, I too agree with your points and I find there is little amount of
creativity one can add to this ant colony. The technical skills are a
little easier to master but the designer concepts are way harder. I wonder
if someone is trying to train teachers these skills, how one would go about
doing so. Any suggestions? #ds4oer
Post by Gary Asselbergs
#ds4oer Open design
Strength: 1. many hands makes light work, 2.collaboration stimulates
thinking out of the box and reduces myopic thinking.
Weakness: 1. Open design is like being in an ant colony, finding order
in the huge amounts of information being generated, filtering this
information is not the only problem. 2. there are also a huge amount of
technical skills and designer concepts which need to be mastered. #ds4oer
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