Why classrooms are important?
2013-01-06 09:10:39 UTC
Formal Education is imparted to the students through educational institutions, which acquire life in its classroom through the process of actual transaction between the teacher and the students. ’ According to Mahatma Gandhi,True Education ‘has to be directed towards the formation of the human person in view of his final end and the good of the society to which he belongs, and in the duties of which he will as an adult have a share.’ When keeping this view,classroom transaction has a paramount importance in the process of moulding the future generations for a purposeful life based on values.
What are the things that should be transacted? The blind rule is to follow the curriculum. The word ‘curriculum ‘ comes from the Latin word ‘currere’ which was the name for definite marked roads arranged to run chariot races in Rome.In schools, children are given the readymade curriculum, of course framed by eminent educators. Education is the chariot, curriculum is the road, and the teacher is the charioteer. But why these definite roads?Each student has to go through a different road inevitably,atleast that is what life teaches us.Each of them may be coming from a different background and equipped with a different psychology.So how can a common coursework fit the frame?While neglecting the ‘thought of the flaw of the system’ the answer to the question lies in the hands of the teacher.It should be the flexibility and serviceability of the teacher to find those distinct paths,perhaps for all the students he or she handles.And for that to happen effectively,the teacher should have a dominant role in selecting his or her students.
Regarding the technical handling of the classroom,the teacher, playing the role of an effective communicator ,is urged to devise newer strategies for stimulus variation,focusing,prompting questions,redirecting and for overcoming various barriers he confronts.He should be with constant preparation to avoid a banal class.He has to be decisive every movement and should use psychological principles for proper management of the class, rather than resorting to oppressive methods. There can be negative comments and naïve judgements on the students part.He has to manage the individual temperaments of the 35 or 40 students , as well as maintain a ‘collective thinking ‘of the class.
A symptomatic world , demands all people to be teachers .It is the duty of the society to its social environment. .The field demands audacity and a lot of patience but the real adventure in the classroom transactions, is in the unforeseen result it can bring about in the future.
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kirby urner
2013-01-10 06:38:40 UTC